
Does your child seem to need more educational challenges and opportunities? Learn the benefits of hiring a tutor to offer extra work.

Benefits Of A Home School Phonics Program

23 May 2023
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When you decide to homeschool a young child, it doesn't take long before you realize the importance of phonics. Put simply, phonics is a learning system that teaches your child to sound out their letters and combine the sounds to pronounce words. It's a great tool to help young children learn how to read and write.  If you're interested in implementing phonics into your child's homeschool curriculum, you should look into a homeschool phonics program. Read More …

What To Look For In A Quality Early Childhood Education Pre-K Program

29 November 2022
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What should you look for in a high-quality early childhood education program? Your child is ready to start preschool, but you may not be sure which option in your area is the best choice. Before you tour schools, take a look at what you need to know about early child education and the markers of a quality pre-k program. The Curriculum There isn't one standard curriculum for all early childhood programs. Read More …

Finding The Right Summer Camp For Your Food-Allergic Child

3 May 2022
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Sending kids off to summer camps can be highly stressful for parents when kids have to navigate food allergies on their own. Emergency action plans, epinephrine, pediatrician contact and hospital information must be worked out ahead of time in order for children to have a seamless camp experience without fear of eating the wrong food and without cross-contamination worries. Choosing the Right Camp Finding a summer camp that caters specifically to kids with life-threatening food allergies isn't easy. Read More …

How Private Preschools Help Hands-on Learners Thrive

21 June 2021
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Early education is all about giving preschool children the base that they need to learn more effectively. It also makes it so they are able to expand their skills through hands-on learning experiences and various unique educational opportunities. For instance, children who need a straightforward learning environment may want to attend a private school to get the high-quality education they want and deserve. Many Children Needs Hands-On Learning Over the years, early education specialists have realized that children learn in various ways, which can be challenging to figure out for each young one. Read More …

Why Consider A Charter School For Your Special Needs Child?

7 January 2021
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A charter school is a public schooling facility that is independently run, which means the school can choose its own learning curriculum so long as it meets the standards set forth by the main organizer of the non-profit facility. Since charter schools aren't held under the same scrutiny as traditional public schools are but are more open than private schools, they make excellent options in education for parents who want to be more involved in their student's educational career. Read More …

About Me
Private Tutoring: How it Challenges an Intelligent Child

My son was having trouble in school. For some reason, he wasn't getting much out of the classes. All his teachers agreed that he had the ability to absorb the material and participated in class discussions with ease. The general consensus was that the classes were boring to him and he needed a tutor. Thinking that tutors were only for children who were having trouble grasping material, I balked. It took a meeting with a tutor to realize that children who need more than the average class can provide do benefit from the academic stimulation that comes with private tutoring. It did work. Two sessions a week were enough to provide opportunities my son needed. He then found it easier to take his schoolwork seriously and his grades improved. If your child is not challenged at school, hire a tutor. It will be the best move you could make.
