
Does your child seem to need more educational challenges and opportunities? Learn the benefits of hiring a tutor to offer extra work.

Four Tips For Choosing A Summer Program For Your Kids

26 July 2017
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When you have young children, it is important to make sure that they have plenty to do during the summer when they are out of school so that they can keep their minds sharp and avoid potentially getting into trouble. A great way to keep your children entertained during the summer is to enroll them in great summer programs for kids. Use the following guide to learn a few ways to choose the perfect programs for your kids. Read More …

3 Things To Understand About Charter Schools As A Parent

28 June 2017
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If there are charter schools in your area that your child can attend, here are a few things that you need to understand about how charter schools work and operate as a parent. Understanding these things will help you better evaluate your local charter schools and determine if any of them are right for your child. #1 Charter Schools Are Public Schools The first thing that you need to understand are that charter schools are public schools. Read More …

About Daycare Services

23 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Introduction  Daycare is a form of child care service for infants and babies. Some daycare services may start taking care of a child as early as twelve weeks of age, after maternity leave is over. The age limit is usually around two years old, but some daycare facilities have toddler rooms for two and three year old children. Some may even include preschool programs for the next age-group. Child care services are essential for many working parents, and it pays to learn something about them. Read More …

Tips For Making Sure Your Preschoolers Get The Most Out Of The Playground

25 April 2017
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If you have a child that is in preschool, there is a good chance that the preschool is helping him or her develop his or her gross motor skills. They might have obstacle courses for the kids to go through, bikes for them to ride, and other tactile opportunities. In order to make sure that your child can be successful, you need to be cementing these skills in the home. One way to help your child develop his or her gross motor skills is to take time at the playground. Read More …

Helping Your Child Learn To Read: Strategies To Enhance Reading Skills And Readiness For Reading

13 March 2017
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When you have a young child, it's never too early to begin sharing your love of reading. While you don't need to feel pressure to get your three year old reading, you are your child's first teacher. You can start by simply reading your child small board books, and get your child interested in the pictures in the books you are reading. Your child should also see you reading books that you enjoy on your own, so that they can see that reading can be a fun activity. Read More …

About Me
Private Tutoring: How it Challenges an Intelligent Child

My son was having trouble in school. For some reason, he wasn't getting much out of the classes. All his teachers agreed that he had the ability to absorb the material and participated in class discussions with ease. The general consensus was that the classes were boring to him and he needed a tutor. Thinking that tutors were only for children who were having trouble grasping material, I balked. It took a meeting with a tutor to realize that children who need more than the average class can provide do benefit from the academic stimulation that comes with private tutoring. It did work. Two sessions a week were enough to provide opportunities my son needed. He then found it easier to take his schoolwork seriously and his grades improved. If your child is not challenged at school, hire a tutor. It will be the best move you could make.
